
General description

Building trust using technology has become possible with blockchain. Distributed data registry technology enables the creation of large, direct, interconnected markets for products, services, and information, challenging many traditional solutions. It changes the perception of finance (DeFi), data exchange (durable medium), and management of organizations (DAO). Although blockchain technology is still young, we have already gained considerable experience supporting innovative projects in Poland and worldwide. We advised on establishing a virtual currency exchange in Denmark, participating in regulatory consultations on tokens in Poland, Estonia, and Switzerland, and advising on contracts for token market making, mining pool services, and decentralized prime brokerage services. We know how to increase your competitive advantage through technology.

How can we help you?

  • Support during the period leading up to token financing

    We provide legal support for the emerging project before and during the token financing stage (e.g., ICO).

  • Choice of jurisdiction

    We assist in selecting the appropriate jurisdiction (Poland, Singapore, Estonia, Malta, Switzerland, and others).

  • Transactional documentation

    We prepare transactional documentation such as SAFT (Simple Agreement for Future Tokens).

  • Compliance assessment

    We conduct a compliance assessment of the ICO/IDO/other model with national or international law and provide a legal qualification for the token.

  • ICO/IDO/other roadmap

    We develop a roadmap for ICO/IDO/other, the project’s tokenomics, and an assessment of the project's financing.

  • AML/KYC standards

    We implement AML/KYC standards.

  • Project documentation

    We draft the necessary project documentation (Pitch Deck, White Paper, Token Purchase Agreement, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy).

  • Blockchain technology implementation

    We advise on the legal aspects of implementing Blockchain technology in business operations by existing regulations (e.g., GDPR, AMLD V, EMD 2, MAR, PSD2, MIFID II).

  • Representation of NewTech entities

    We represent blockchain entities in communications with investors and state authorities.

  • Obtaining licenses and permits

    We provide advice on obtaining the necessary licenses and permits.

  • Decentralized application documentation

    We create documentation for decentralized applications (DApps) and other services based on blockchain technology.

  • Contracts with external service providers

    We review the content or draft contracts with external service providers such as payment institutions, exchanges, wallet providers, blockchain analysts, auditors, management, and developers.

Examples of our achievements

SAFT Agreement: We drafted an agreement obligating the issuer to deliver the target, operational ERC-20 standard tokens to the buyer at the time specified in the contract (SAFT) with a value of USD 2.5 million.

Terms of Service: We drafted the terms of service for a website that enables user interaction with a decentralized financial protocol providing prime brokerage services.

Application to KNF: We prepared an application to the KNF (Polish Financial Supervision Authority) for the interpretation and legal qualification of an f-NFT token with the potential to be a security and represent the client in administrative proceedings.

Project Tokenomics: We designed and calibrated the tokenomics of the client’s project, including analyzing and adjusting the token’s characteristics to mitigate legal risks associated with its issuance.

Legislative Monitoring: We monitored national and EU legislative trends and draft regulations regarding crypto assets from the perspective of operational risk for the client’s business.

Verification of Licensing Requirements: We verified the licensing requirements related to market-making services for crypto assets in Switzerland.

Legal Opinion: We prepared a legal opinion on the potential impact of the European Parliament and Council Regulation on Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) on the client’s token project.

On-ramp Services: We verified and amended the content of agreements related to on-ramp services entered into by the law firm’s clients.

Assessment of Investment Token Characteristics: We provided recommendations on the choice of country for issuing an investment token, considering legal parameters crucial for the token’s qualification by the national supervisory authority.

AML/CFT Support: We supported the client in interactions with foreign entities offering access to payment/bank accounts.

Regulatory Consultations: We represented a Polish development studio in regulatory consultations with the Estonian and Liechtenstein supervisory authorities concerning the planned issuance of tokens.

Mining Pool Services Cooperation Agreement: We drafted a cooperation agreement for mutual promotion and marketing with an entity offering cryptocurrency mining pool services.

Token Portfolio Management Outsourcing: We represented the client during negotiations on the terms of an agreement to outsource token portfolio management activities.

Contact person

partner | attorney-at-law