Wojciech Ługowski to Judge at City Finals Hackglobal 2024 in Warsaw!

On June 16, 2024, Wojciech was crucial in evaluating participants’ projects based on feasibility, innovation, user experience, technical value, and presentation quality criteria. His tasks included:

🔸 Project Evaluation: Detailed analysis and assessment of participants’ work.

🔸 Feedback: Providing constructive comments and guidance.

🔸 Selecting Winners: Having the decisive vote in choosing the best teams for the finals in Singapore.

🔸 Promoting Innovation: Inspiring the creation of groundbreaking technological solutions.

Hackglobal is a prestigious, global series of hackathons organized by the Hacker.dev initiative, gathering over 5,000 developers worldwide in 9 cities. The event will culminate in a grand finale in Singapore in October 2024. Participants faced challenges in the areas of:

🔹 Financial Inclusion

🔹 Social Responsibility

🔹 Digital Empowerment.