ETH Warsaw

On September 5-6, 2024 Wojciech Lugowski participated in the ETH Warsaw conference. This unique event, dedicated to blockchain, cryptocurrencies and innovations in decentralized finance (DeFi), brought together the greatest minds and pioneers in the industry. ETH Warsaw is one of the most important events on the map of Central and Eastern Europe, where innovators, developers, […]
A new age for cryptoassets in Poland

We are excited to see a development in the Polish cryptocurrency sector: the draft of a new law on cryptoassets. In our opinion, this is a step in a very good direction for our country and the industry. Transparency and Security The new law aims to introduce a clear regulatory framework for cryptocurrency activities, which […]
DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization as a new form of organizational structure

Enthusiasts and all those who are interested in blockchain have a chance to read the latest comprehensive article, published on the PARP website. It describes the topic of decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) as a new form of organizational structure. From the article we can learn in particular: What is a DAO? What types of DAOs exist? How […]
Negotiations at the Cyber Science postgraduate studies

New technologies are rapidly changing the world we live in. The postgraduate studies ‘Cyber Science. Tokenisation and Process Automation in the Digital Economy. Legal, technical and managerial aspects‘, at the University of Silesia in Katowice. The knowledge imparted during the lectures, exercises and workshops is invaluable, and Wojciech Ługowski, who led a workshop on Negotiation last […]
Debate: Investing and fundrasing in web3 during a bear market

On 8 December 2022, another debate on investing took place this year. This time the keynote was ‘Investing and fundraising in web3 during a bear market’. Its participants were startup founders and investors, including Wojciech Ługowski. The event was organised by the Blockchain Alliance & Acceleration Hub. Topics covered during the debate: Jak wygląda aktualnie rynek […]
DevCon Bogota 2022

On 11-14 October 2022, we have attended another important event for the Ethereum, Blockchain and Crypto world. This time we flew to DevCon 2022 in Bogota! Wojciech Ługowski supports the Golem Network there in promoting their ongoing projects. Devcon is a global, regular meeting of the entire community of developers, researchers, thinkers and creators interested […] Meetup: Investments in innovations, startups and junior companies

The Meetup Conference and Exhibition is behind us. The participants of the debate, among whom was Wojciech Ługowski, talked about the development of startups in the blockchain industry and how to implement ideas in the crypto industry. – A great idea implemented by a poor team will always fail. If the product doesn’t defend itself, […]