We would like to recommend to all those who are interested in the subject of taxes and accounting the new book position ‘Accounting and tax instructions’, published by C.H. Beck. The chapter devoted to AML/CFT procedures and the reporting of the beneficial owner was written by our lawyers – Wojciech Kapica and dr. Aleksander Szpojankowski.
The book, which was published under the editorship of Professor Artur Hołda, contains a collection of tax instructions and procedures taking into account the latest and pending changes. The guide includes templates of accounting policy, inventory instructions, cash instructions, warehouse instructions and documentation related to the Social Benefits Fund. The publication presents ready-to-use instructions, procedures, regulations, schemes of action in the field of accounting, tax and payroll documents, as well as extensive explanations on how to adapt them to the specificity of an entity’s operation.
This publication is available in paper and electronic versions in PL language➡️ https://bit.ly/instrukcjeksiegoweipodatkowe